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Simple Ways to Brighten Your Mood and Improve Your Mental Health

Simple Ways to Brighten Your Mood and Improve Your Mental Health


Summer is often associated with sunshine and having fun, but a bad mood can hit you any time of the year. While it’s important to allow yourself to feel all your emotions—the good and the bad—it’s also important to recognize when wallowing is no longer serving you and to take the necessary steps to help yourself out of your slump.


Whether you suffer from chronic mental health struggles or are just having a less-than-ideal day, here are a few simple ways to boost your mood and help you feel a bit more upbeat.


Move Your Body


A sure-fire way to feel just a little bit better is to go outside and get some exercise. This can be as simple as taking a walk around your neighbourhood or jumping rope in your backyard. The key is to increase your heart rate which will help you release dopamine and serotonin, two neurotransmitters known for helping you feel pleasure. If you’re struggling with anxiety or depression, squeezing in a quick workout could be an easy way to feel just a little bit better.

 Mental health exercise

Bond With A Friend


When in a bad mood you might feel the need to isolate yourself. However, this might be exactly the right time to call up a friend for a bonding session. This can be done by talking about your feelings to release some of the pent up stress or frustration you might be experiencing or exchanging a hug which helps to release oxytocin, the bonding hormone.


Practice Positive Affirmations


It’s a common understanding that what you think becomes who you are, so it’s important to practice thinking positive thoughts. If you are dealing with a bad mood and find yourself repeating negative thoughts that only make you feel worse, try writing or saying a few positive affirmations about yourself. Even if you don’t quite believe them yet, the more you say them, the more they’ll become your reality, helping you to alleviate your slump.


Listen To Your Favourite Upbeat Music


When in doubt and feeling not-so-great, try playing some of your favourite upbeat music to get you in a better mood. Music can be a very transformative experience, so putting on some tunes that make you feel good can be just what you need to take on the rest of the day.

  Mental health music

At The Green Way we want you to feel your best on both inside and the outside. Visit our website today to discover eco-friendly brands that will help you take care of yourself while also being kind to the planet.


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